Friday, January 15, 2010

McKeller-Jones Family Donation

Meet the McKeller-Jones family!

The foundation recently donated two Britax Regents to this charming family whose boys are aged 7 and 4 years old. Officer Nathan Preve was the CPS Technician who assisted with the installation. He has some glowing words to share about the boys and their Mom:

"The installation went very well. April has a great understanding of car seats and their functions. By speaking with the children, they talk a lot about being safe in their car seats. That tells me that mom is doing her job and doing it well. The youngest one, was a big help in the installation process. He was a big help for only being four years old. It's not very often that you see children that knowlegable about car seat safety. Mom has done a wonderful job."

Each seat the foundation donates costs us approximately $200. We have a waiting list of ~100 families at any given time - all consisting of children who are at risk while they await our ability to assist. Please consider a donation to the foundation of any size you can afford, to help keep more children like these boys safe. You can donate using PayPal to the right of our blog, or you can donate using Debit/Credit/Check. Details are here. Thank you so much for your support and dedication to keeping children safe!

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