Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Davey family donation

Meet the Davey family!

We donated a Britax Regent to this family for their 7 year old son.

CPS Tech Dianne Robertson performed the installation and education session on this seat and we thank her immensely. Dianne also checked the two other restraints in the vehicle at this same appointment and made some minor adjustments.

Each seat the foundation donates costs approximately $200. We have a waiting list of ~100 families at any given time - all consisting of children who are at risk whilst they await our ability to assist. Please consider a donation to the foundation of any size you can afford, to help keep more children like the Davey boy safe. You can donate using PayPal to the right of our blog, or you can donate using Debit/Credit/Check. Details are here. Thank you so much for your support and dedication to keeping children safe!