Meet the Fraley family!
Pictured above is the adorable Fraley family with their child passenger safety technician, Jennifer Rubin. Our recipient is 8 years old, but only 44lbs. As you can see, he has plenty of growing room in his Britax Regent and his little brother, who is 4 years old (in the background) will be able to move up to this seat in due course.We adore that Ms. Fraley is keeping her children harnessed for as long as she can, and that the seat we have donated to this family will be able to keep younger generations safe too, until it expires.
Thanks so much Jennifer for all your time and expertise educating the family on installation and usage of this seat. Of course, at the same appointment, Jennifer made sure everyone's seats were installed and used correctly. According to Jennifer, Ms. Fraley did a fantastic job of installing the Regent in her vehicle.
Each seat the foundation donates costs approximately $200. We have a waiting list of ~100 families at any given time - all consisting of children who are at risk whilst they await our ability to assist. Please consider a donation to the foundation of any size you can afford, to help keep more children like the Simons' boy safe. You can donate using PayPal to the right of our blog, or you can donate using Debit/Credit/Check. Details are here. Thank you so much for your support and dedication to keeping children safe!