Wednesday, June 24, 2009

DeBello family donation

Meet the DeBello family!

This adorable boy 'I' recently received a Britax Regent from the foundation. Many thanks to CPST, Virginia Valente for her time and expertise educating the family about installation and usage of this seat.

'I' looks very happy and comfortable in his new seat, don't you think? He is 2 years old and was at the limits for his previous 5 point harness seat. We are so pleased we were in a position to help his family out with a seat to keep him safer for a good long time.

'I' has an older sister who is currently sitting in a borrowed seat which needs to be returned soon. We will hopefully be able to assist his family soon with another seat to keep her safe. She is 3 years old and previous to borrowing a seat, was riding in a booster seat. She is obviously far too young to be restrained in a booster. Will you help us keep I's sister safe too?

Each seat the foundation donates costs approximately $200. We have a waiting list of ~100 families at any given time - all consisting of children who are at risk whilst they await our ability to assist. Please consider a donation to the foundation of any size you can afford, to help keep more children safe. You can donate using PayPal to the right of our blog, or you can donate using Debit/Credit/Check. Details are here. Thank you so much for your support and dedication to keeping children safe!